You are here: Stock Items > General Tab

General Tab

In the General tab, you will find the most used functions to control the requirements needed for Stock Items.


When you add or modify a Stock Item, you gain access to the full details of that particular item.

Within this screen are 4 tabs located at the top of the screen that control various aspects that relate to the item.

These are General, Advanced, Indirect Item and Variants.


Most settings will be controlled in the General tab.

If required, additional settings are available for configuration in the Advanced tab.

The indirect Items tab will only be available if the item is Indirect.

The Variants tab will only be available if the item (parent item or child item) is a Variant.



Stock Code



Scan Code

Selling Prices

Open Stock Item

Cost Prices

Purchase Category

Default Supplier & Default Supplier Stock Code

Printer Settings

Indirect Item – Components go to Kitchen Printers

Other Options


TAX Settings
